最新信息:恭喜育才外国语欧美部Z同学获取剑桥大学面试 Oct 02, 2021... 阅读更多信息
最新信息:恭喜育才外国语欧美部Z同学获取剑桥大学面试 Oct 02, 2021... 阅读更多信息
Brown is an editor at Roads edu, where she has helped to craft hundreds of pieces of writing including personal statements, research papers, and letters of recommendation for clients applying to top-tier institutions since 2009. She is as an alumni interviewer for Yale’s undergraduate application process, interviewing prospective students and writing recommendations for admittance based on impressions from these interviews.
Brown is an editor at Roads edu, where she has helped to craft hundreds of pieces of writing including personal statements, research papers, and letters of recommendation for clients applying to top-tier institutions since 2009. She is as an alumni interviewer for Yale’s undergraduate application process, interviewing prospective students and writing recommendations for admittance based on impressions from these interviews. She also writes informational articles for CUnet that are posted on education websites and are primarily focused on using education to set and accomplish professional goals. She is the Secretary for the Yale Dramatic Alumni Associates Board of Directors.
Professionally, Ashley has experience in several industries including finance and the entertainment industry. She worked as the Business Manager of a growing venture capital firm during its expansion of a fund focused on financing for tech startups. At present, she works in professional theater in both the creative and management sides of the business. Her experience as a theatrical director gives her a unique perspective on how individuals present themselves, and she is able to give clear feedback on both content and presentation in interviews as a result.
Overall, Ashley has a unique perspective on the college admissions process and on the job application process from her broad set of experiences as both an applicant and an interviewer.