*新西兰高中 58 NCEA credits at Level 2 or higher (including 30 credits over three approved subjects plus UE literacy and numeracy) (需完成新西兰高中十三年级课程)
*IELTS(A) 5.0 (单项不低于5.0)
*TOFEL iBT35 (writing score 14)
*LU EAP 55%
*NZCEL Level 3 (General, Workplace or Academic Endorsement)
新西兰大学大一文凭(3学期) (DUS3)
*中国高中毕业文凭3年至少4门学术课程平均成绩70%以上(不含语文、英语和政治) 或;
*中国高考成绩总分60%-64% 或;
*新西兰高中 32 NCEA credits at Level 3 or higher (including 20 credits over two approved subjects with a minimum of 10 credits in each subject, plus UE literacy and numeracy)
*IELTS(A) 5.5 (写作和阅读5.5,其他单项不低于5.0)
*TOFEL iBT46 (writing score 18)
*LU EAP 60%
*NZCEL Level 4 (General, Workplace or Academic Endorsement)
*中国高中毕业文凭3年至少4门学术课程平均成绩80%以上(不含语文、英语和政治) 或;
*中国高考成绩总分65%-69% 或;
*中国高中毕业,完成大一课程 或;
*新西兰高中 38 NCEA credits at Level 3 or higher (including three approved subjects with a minimum of 10 credits in each subject,plus UE literacy and numeracy)
*IELTS(A) 5.5 (单项不低于5.5)
*TOFEL iBT53 (writing score 18)
*LU EAP 60% with no individual component less than 60%
*NZCEL Level 4 (General, Workplace or Academic Endorsement)