With a permanent residence permit you can reside and work in Norway indefinitely. You will also be given extra protection against expulsion.---来自UDI(挪威移民局的官方说明)
1. You must have stayed in Norway for the past three years and have held residence permits that form the basis for a permanent residence permit.对于签证类型这一点,UDI在给你签证的时候,会说明,如果邮件里说明了Tillatelsen kan danne grunnlag for bosettingstillatelse(意思就是这个签证类型可以用来申请永居),那么就可以在持有有效签证三年之后申请PR,官方给出了几个有效的由于申请永居签证类型:
residence permits for skilled workers 特殊技能工作许可
most types of family immigration permits 家庭团聚
protection (asylum) 难民庇护
residence on grounds of strong humanitarian considerations (unless you have been granted a limited permit) 人道主义援助
2. You must have resided in Norway continuously for the past three years.
3. You must have completed tuition in the Norwegian language and social studies and meet the requirements that apply to you or be able to document that you have been granted an exemption by the municipality (applies if you are between the ages of 16 and 55).